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Showing posts from November, 2021

Wedding Bells

Today my son is going to marry a good woman.  Lauren has become the heart of the family.  Her love is beyond anything I could have ever hoped for my son!  I have a new daughter and beautiful addition to my family.  I feel truly blessed today!   Much Love  Tina

Thanksgiving 2021

Good  Morning and Happy Thanksgiving.  I am here in Cookeville visiting my family.  We had our dinner yesterday because my sister had to work today.  I have had so much fun with my nieces and nephews, so I should be happy and thankful...right?  I am sad to report that I am depressed.  I miss David so much and I know he would want me to be happy, but I want to run home and lock out the world.  I hate for people to see me cry especially when they are having a good time.   Well, I have to cheer up because my son is getting married on December 1, 2021, to an amazing young woman who has become a daughter to me.  It will be another reminder that I am alone but my niece offered to be my plus one and she is so excited.   On the dating scene, I am about to give up.  I have spoken to more men than I ever wanted to and the dates have been horrible.  I have a story to write about it, but it just keeps getting worse.  I fell in love with Nicolas but he couldn't or wouldn't reciprocate my fe


I haven’t written much lately because I’ve been dealing with some pretty dark feelings.  October 7 was a year since we lost David and I made the trip with his ashes to Hot Springs alone.  People talk about being lonely but this is beyond loneliness.  I feel like part of me is gone forever and I don’t know what to do.  I get up each day and I try, but it never gets easier.   I thought I would update you on my love life because dating is ridiculous in 2021.  Nicholas and I broke up.  Scott aka Kirk came back into my life but he left as quickly as he arrived proving that David was right about him!  Even as a friend he is and will always be a user!   I have been dating some but nothing serious.  I tend to focus most of my time on my grandchildren, and most men are not grandpa material.  Christopher and I remain close friends as he is the best friend a girl could have in this insane world.   Today I got a contract sent to me for my book.  I have been on cloud 1000 all afternoon!  My life is