Last night I went on my very first official date. The man asked me to go to dinner, handed me flowers at the beginning of the date, and gave me a soft kiss good night after a great evening! All the simple things that mean so much I never got to experience them without an expectation of sex. Child Abuse robs you of almost everything. It is like you almost become a robot and you go through life doing like you know you have to do to survive. well last night I got to live in the moment and it was so nicee! Men don’t properly date women much anymore, but I made my mama promise that this time things were going to be different! Back to the date :) We went to Grinder House, and I ordered my favorite coffee. We had dinner, and the music was excellent. It was a special treat just to hear live music! After 2020 I didn't think we would ever get to go to concerts again. The Band “Towne” was something out of the Bluebird or the Op...