Last night I went on my very first official date. The man asked me to go to dinner, handed me flowers at the beginning of the date, and gave me a soft kiss good night after a great evening!
All the simple things that mean so much I never got to experience them without an expectation of sex. Child Abuse robs you of almost everything. It is like you almost become a robot and you go through life doing like you know you have to do to survive. well last night I got to live in the moment and it was so nicee!
Men don’t properly date women much anymore, but I made my mama promise that this time things were going to be different!
Back to the date :)
We went to Grinder House, and I ordered my favorite coffee. We had dinner, and the music was excellent. It was a special treat just to hear live music! After 2020 I didn't think we would ever get to go to concerts again. The Band “Towne” was something out of the Bluebird or the Opray. Do you remember the comedy that came with hearing the Carter family years ago? They reminded me of that! It's been a long time since I smiled and laughed like that!
To make it even better, when I got home my phone was lit up like a Christmas tree from my friends and my family asking me how it went and telling me that I was glowing in the pictures. I looked happy because I was!
The advice I leave you with tonight; NEVER stop dating even if you get married! Your children are going to grow up, and they’re going to go out into the world. Don’t short change your future or your happiness with your spouse!
Always make time for each other!
Much Love
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