Tuesday morning was terrible, but my son took me to lunch and offered me a part-time job. I was beaming with joy! I worked yesterday, and it was as though I never left. The intense pressure from my dad was absent, and I had zero anxiety! I got a call from Adult Services because someone made a report on my daughters. Now I gave a caseworker who is getting me into an apartment. I will be moving soon, and due to the circumstances, no one will know where I live. I filed a complaint with the Board of Judicial Conduct because the judge ignored evidence and did not call my witness. He ignored the fact that Ashley perjured herself and could not provide proof of her statements. I never tried to pick my grandson up from school, and she knew I was living with Janna.
Ashley lied and labeled me as a child abuser. There will never be any going back from doing that to me. As a survivor, it was like taking a gun and shooting me. However, I now have a massive support system in my family and through my social worker. I refuse to argue and fight with my daughters, but I also refuse to let them walk all over me. I love them enough to let them hate me! I love them from a safe distance.
I also got the disheartening news that the new law about the Statute of Limitations is not retroactive, so my dad and step-uncle will never go to jail or even be charged with the crimes. Here is a copy of the police report. Much Love - Tina Louise
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